Sunday, February 15, 2009

Groundhogs are Liars

love her.
Bar Pitti was poppin.  But Da Silvano was in the sun.  Silvano:1, Tognozzi: 0
Rematch in the works.
Everytime I find myself in Chinatown I feel like the scene from Trainspotting when he reaches in the toilet and gets sucked in to some alternate universe that doesn't really exist.  Not in a bad sense, just bazarroville.
This is the only architectural structure that I could find in that town that looks anything like my preconceived visions of China.
Somehow they have they have the Jetson's newstand hookup.
love him.

Don't know why you are here, but you scare me a little.
Movie #2 = story of my life.

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